But rest assured, as dicey as things got towards the action-packed second half of the story, everything worked out for all the Warders and their hearths. The danger is high in this one and there were a few couch-gripping moments that had me worry about the safety and survival of these five Warders I’ve come to know and love over the course of the series. Marcus is determined to do everything in his sword-wielding power to protect Joe and his in-laws, calling in help from his fellow Warders, Malic, Leith, Ryan and Jackson, to kick some demon ass and make this place safe again for those Marcus cares about. When they travel to Kentucky for Joe’s grandpa’s birthday, they come across unexpected demon-related trouble that threatens the safety of Joe’s family. As one of five demon-fighting Warders of San Francisco, Marcus feels beyond blessed to have found an epic love with Joe, his treasured hearth - a Warder simply isn’t as grounded or as strong without the love and support of a hearth. Marcus and Joe have been partners for coming on six years. I didn’t think I’d be excited to get to Marcus’s story, but as it so happens, his turned out to be my personal favourite of the series, which was a very pleasant surprise indeed.