The series is coming from Skydance Television, which previously produced the Netflix series Altered Carbon (which, not coincidentally, was also based on a classic sci-fi novel). Goyer, with familial assistance from Asimov’s daughter Robyn Asimov.

Slated to debut on September 24, the 10-episode show Foundation will be overseen by frequent Christopher Nolan collaborator David S. Now, after a few false starts, Asimov’s influential trilogy is finally making its way to television courtesy of Apple+ and some familiar names. Not only can you see its influence in Star Trek and Star Wars, but elements of it have even turned up in Futurama.

In the 70-plus years since Isaac Asimov published his epic 1951 science fiction novel Foundation and its sequels - 1952’s Foundation and Empire and 1953’s Second Foundation - this space opera has inspired numerous movies and TV shows (and games, and comics, and other novels…).